
! ! ! ! ! ! ! TRANSSEXUALS HAVE GOT TO GET MEANER! BITE FIRST OR BE BITTEN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MY PRONOUNS ARE I'M/FUCKING/YOUR/MOM ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BECOME MORE DERANGED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SCULPT AND TRANSFORM YOUR BODY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ABUSE DRUGS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MAKE FUCKED UP ART ! ! ! ! ! ! ! HAVE KINKY SEX ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GET PIERCED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BE A FAGGOT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BE UNPALATABLE TO THE MASSES ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BEING TRANS IS PUNK ROCK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SOCK IT TO ME ! ! ! ! ! ! ! QUEER AS HELL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PANSY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ARM TRANS KIDS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THIS IS THE AGE OF SIN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! REJECT THE ORDER OF CREATION ! ! ! ! ! ! ! DESTROY ! ! ! ! ! ! !

summer '24



hellooooo. i have been watching the olympics like a lot of people. unfortunately i am watching them in the united states so everything is very us-centered. anyway ALLEZ LA FRANCE. i am so fucking excited to watch the taekwondo olympics. the gymnastics are a classic and always enjoyable. been spending a ton of time working out. i'd like to get my 2nd degree black belt soon. i love martial arts so much.

i'm heading back to college in like less than a month which is exciting. i'm gonna room with my friend so YAYYYY. i'm gonna sneak on campus to move in early because what are they gonna do, stop me?



HI !! my computer was sent away to repair a crack in the screen and it hasn't come back because microsoft is a piece of shit that makes their devices intentionally difficult to impossible to repair so that you'll spend more money :[ my dog is so cute imagine a german shepherd wearing a dino hat. that's her right now.

my ahl team made a comeback then lost in game 7 overtime :(( but IT'S OKAY!!!!!!!!! sports will come back in september/october! crossing my fingers that they do well this next season. i'm officially in season 14 of spn and therefore almost finished with my rewatch (yay!) i'm almost free from this terrible show. i don't know how i watched this the first time

my family is planning our trip to see family soon which i'm excited about. also I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY i'm gonna be a tutor for film which is going to be so awesome. me when i get a job related to something i care about



meow hello. my hockey team in the ahl is not doing too well <:( anyway i am hoping they pull through please please please please. i have done absolutely nothing this past week and a half (?). the amount of tv i've watched is ridiculous. truly. i got a new watch yayyyy!!!!! i've also been thinking that i need to exercise more since i've had a lot of aches and pains throughout my body. or there's also a massage place nearby. some combination of the two would be best to be honest. i finally got shorts which is wild considering it's consistently 90+ degrees where i live but yayyyy. i've also gotten new insoles for my boots which is great. by the way if anyone warns you off of docs because of a massive decrease in quality these past few years: they're right.

i really need to get a job but other than that i'm pretty okay i think. ciao



hello party people. i am getting a watch yayyyy. i broke my last one by accidentally hitting the edge of a table so i will be more careful. at least it was only €6. i found this fantastic tea that tastes similar to an indian tea. it's from the brand "traditional medicinals" and is called "throat coat". i think jacksepticeye drinks it which is pretty awesome and cool.

the cleveland monsters are heading the the eastern finals for the calder which is fun. it's way too hot but i am staying in yayyy. i am already watching season 6 of seinfeld so i think i'm speedrunning it. right now i am putting off writing a cover letter for a job application and my father is no help since apparently 'no one needs those anymore'. he says he's never written one which is incredibly helpful (not).

if you haven't been watching dan and phil highly recommend the sims lore is crazy. that reminds me i should play the sims bye !



HELLO. i am alive. i am officially on summer break. i said in my last blog post that i hoped that this post would be more upbeat and it is!

so far i have all As in my finals for my classes which is very yippeeeeee. my family is planning on going abroad this summer to visit family which will be fun and i am going to go to a martial arts camp which is always a ton of fun. sorry i haven't updated but i've been super busy. i would say that i am going to update as much as possible this summer but i say that everytime and i think my words have lost all integrity. i am all healed up from my car accident; all i have now is a scar. my cds are pretty banged up but the discs themselves are still okay so i think i'm going to sort them into one of those folder things to protect them. i went to a film festival this semester for FREE!!!!!!!! and it was so much fun. then i volunteered for one which was also awesome.

i was having some trouble with my tumblr since my theme wasn't showing up but i got it fixed so i recommend you check it out (i really like it). uhhhhh i recently shattered my watch which kind of sucks but i am hoping on getting a new one for my birthday. i got an industrial piercing!! it did not hurt as much as i expected it to since my piercer told me she almost passed out when she got hers but it looks awesome! i can't wait for it to heal completely (crossing my fingers) so that i can switch up the jewelry. otherwise honestly nothing much has gone on. OH i got accepted to go abroad for a winter term in france next year which i'm psyched about. now i'm going to make some pages for this site and update things