welcome to my website.

this website is not mobile-friendly !!
i'm kc and this is my website.
make sure you sign my guestbook!
feel free to look around !! i update on an irregular basis but you can email me and i will respond very quickly :] i'm most active on tumblr dot com also.
on the top left there is a little webneko that if you click will follow your cursor. :)
if you have any questions about the site, navigation, or whatever: there is the help page in the nav bar above. if you do not see your question feel free to submit it into the form and i will probably answer it day-of.
just so you know the 'cool' gif under the header is linked to an in-browser game called "Vampires! The Dark Alleyway" where you move around and drink people's blood. clicking that link will give me ten pints of blood in "luring a fresh victim" (if you sign up to become a vampire).