
! ! ! ! ! ! ! TRANSSEXUALS HAVE GOT TO GET MEANER! BITE FIRST OR BE BITTEN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MY PRONOUNS ARE I'M/FUCKING/YOUR/MOM ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BECOME MORE DERANGED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SCULPT AND TRANSFORM YOUR BODY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ABUSE DRUGS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MAKE FUCKED UP ART ! ! ! ! ! ! ! HAVE KINKY SEX ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GET PIERCED ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BE A FAGGOT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BE UNPALATABLE TO THE MASSES ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BEING TRANS IS PUNK ROCK ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SOCK IT TO ME ! ! ! ! ! ! ! QUEER AS HELL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PANSY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ARM TRANS KIDS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! THIS IS THE AGE OF SIN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! REJECT THE ORDER OF CREATION ! ! ! ! ! ! ! DESTROY ! ! ! ! ! ! !

summer '23



I GOT MY NOSE PIERCED !! it's a 22g gold wire at the moment since that is the traditional starter in india. i sent an ask to strange aeons [the youtuber] and she said that buying a 20g earring would be fine to stretch the piercing since i do not think there are many places that sell such thin nose rings/studs. i'm so excited. it's predictably already gotten infected but it's fine now and i'm psyched it hurt about as much as i expected it to. it was worse than getting my ears pierced but it only made my eyes water. plus after the actually piercing it didn't really hurt at all

in the future i desperately want a lip piercing it's so awesome. my parents have decided that they will give an allowance since i am staying nearby for college but they would fucking hate me getting more piercings. the plan is to pay in cash for piercings and tattoos then which might be a pain in the ass. i do have some ideas for tattoos, mainly them being based off of bands like these art pieces by tumblr user mads-schubert. i really want the vampires and our lady ones they are everything to me. i also want one dedicated to my uncle who died of throat cancer. that's all i know for sure but i will totally think of more probably

you [if anyone is reading this apart from me in the future] may have seen the previous blog post that said that i accidentally reloaded and lost all my work. this is me both retyping that and blogging for the past couple of days but jesus CHRIST top ten stupidest kc moments. i just sat there is shock for like 5 min afterwards. this is what i get for using the in-web editor

the beach was actually not that fun since i got heat exhaustion and felt like shit the whole time. it was crazy. we drove there the first day -- for context, these birth control pills that i have recently started have a chance of making you feel nauseous for a little while when you start taking them -- and i felt nauseous and yakked twice. it was terrible. i hadn't had much water and had been wearing a jacket in the dry, sunny, indian summer and yet it had not occured to me that it might be something other than the swerving roads though i suspect that hadn't helped much either. my aunt was also feeling like shit and she started calling us "the barfing sisters" and she was losing (or winning???) with a score of 3 - 2 by the time we arrived at the hotel

the hotel was. okay. i am aware that there might not be a/c [which there actually was] but for some reason the whole place was weirdly and really dirty. like there was literal dirt and grime caked into the corners of rooms. this was especially weird for a hotel that was advertized as 'new'. like just-opened new. really bizarre i'm telling you man. at least there was a little kitty :] it was too skittish for me to snag a picture but it was sooo small and cute

speaking of animals. this might make me sound strange or mean or something but i don't like my auntie's dog. i don't know! i'm a cat person and i know this as well as my general hesitance towards new dogs PARTICULARLY jumpy ones. i don't know what it is about the dog but i just don't find her.... cute. she's small and jumpy and EXTREMELY loud. i get migraines [the bad ones] and for some reason my auntie and uncle [who have an eight-year-old son] give the dog the loudest toys imaginable. for example, their apartment is entirely floored with some sort of stone. it is polished and extremely hard. one of the toys that they gave a small hyperactive animal is a steel spoon. can you Imagine the noise because she slams it against the fucking floor and it clatters and i'm autistic and the noise of that makes me want to actually tear my ears off

she's just. a lot. i love my dog very much since she knows us and the way we taught her is to be Quiet. she'll be loud sometimes but then she'll be outdoors where she can run around and bark and shit but we didn't give her insanely loud toys. i also think i just like big dogs more. my dog is large and fluffy like a giant teddy bear and my auntie's dog is squirmy and not very soft

SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH, IASIP S16 SPOILERS || i saw the first three episodes season 16 of it's always sunny. i think it's pretty good so far, sometimes the jokes i think were over explained ? like the bit where frank acted like a dog in e2 was understood they didn't really need to say it. or they should've said it but only when dennis was ranting at the end in the bar

i finally registered for my classes but they removed my top choice [the class about death] without explanation?? like one day it was just *poof* gone. i substituted it with a class about pop psych. my roommate has been set in stone and i should know my dorm room this month-ish. i need to find out if he's queer so i know how faggy i can be

uhhhhh i think that's it. in france we're going to an amusement park which i'm excited about, my sister and i are planning on going on every ride. it's going to be hot as balls there so we have to plan extensively. after france i think we are going to the smokies or something?? my parents are thinking about buying a car that i can use once we get back in the states but i don't think they are understanding that the last time that i have been actually free to go out and have fun without the threat of schoolwork or the INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE hanging over my head was in......... Maybe eighth grade. otherwise uhhh never. all i know is that sometimes when i can't sleep and i am just staring at the patterns on the ceiling painted by passing cars i sink into the feeling and realization that i'm actually. stuck here. like i am literally just fucking stuck. i tried to move away and for various reasons it didn't work out so now i am stuck in my fucking hometown.

what a queer fucking tragedy.



it has been a while since i have been travelling <:] i am in india currently visiting family which is good. i got a new kurta yesterday and am planning to get some henna done soon. my back hurts since i have to sleep on the floor on a thin mattress but other than that it's all good. we even have ac in our room and western bathrooms. very fancy indeed. we're going to the beach later this week which is going to be cool and hopefully it'll be cooler temperature-wise as well.

tomorrow s16 of it's always sunny is coming out and i'm very excited yippeeeee. i am getting a lot of comments about my green hair which is both entertaining and sometimes annoying. OH i MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT be getting my nose pierced i am so excited for that my mother said yes if my father says yes which he said no at first but being where he grew up is putting him in a good mood and he seems to be changing his mind. he was asking my auntie whether she had her nose pierced [she had!] hype to be honest

class registration for college opens up soon-ish [like next week] and there is a class about death which i am hoping i get into. there is another about pests and creatures that is also a viable option

after india we are going to france to visit More family and to be honest i could not give less of a shit. my grandmother is old, racist, and strict and completely out of it so we are going to be staying in her old house and we're going to have to take care of her fucking garden the whole time for some reason. WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO GARDEN AND SHE HAS ENOUGH MONEY FOR A GARDENER. i hate gardening so much why us.